The little prince
充滿想像、歡樂與感動的世界文學名著。書中從小孩的眼光去看待成人眼中的世界,充滿赤子之心的趣味,與其說這是一本童書倒不如說這是一本會讓你找回童心、值得大家一起欣賞的好書。 簡意英文版的"小王子"適合國中學生,英檢初中級的學生閱讀,一邊學習英文一邊感動人心。 It is worthy of reading.
Speaking about imagination, there is one book impressing a lot. The book is a classical literature— the little prince. The main character in the story- the little prince- is from another star. We saw the little prince has been pure,naive after reading from this book. During the little prince's journey, he met different people on other stars: a proud king, an arrogant man, a blind enterpriser and so on. Everyone in the story has its own meanings to tell the readers. In the end from the story, we know that everyone has its own breathe accounts and no one can order and replace the others.
內容簡介: 在現實社會中,人們的想像力逐漸枯竭,赤子之心難得一見,而聖修伯里的《小王子》以童話的方式,寫 出獨特的心靈邂逅與頓悟,透過小王子的星際歷險,讓讀者看到大人世界裡的真相,而到了地球,小王子、狐狸與聖修伯里的邂逅,更一字一句描繪出人們心中真實的情感。透過小王子的歷險與互動,聖修伯里如此闡述真愛:「如果有個人愛上億萬顆星星中的一朵花,那麼他只要仰望星空,就會感到幸福。」