
 It's Time to Go to School.



         開學在即,有哪些英文句子是跟開學有關,而且我們又不可以不知道的呢? 看看以下的句子,並熟悉以下每一個英文句子吧!!


1. 當你拿到新課本時,請檢查是否有破所或缺頁。

    When you receive your new textbooks, please check to see if there are any torn or missing pages.

2. 請在書後頁,寫上你的班級,姓名與座號,萬一遺失了才知道要還給誰。

    Please write your class, name, and seat number in the back cover of your book in case you lose it.

3. 今天是開學第一天,請檢查是否有破損的桌椅,窗戶,電燈,及開關。

   Today is the first day of the semester. Please check for any damaged furniture, broken windows, blown lights, and faulty switches.

4. 聽到鈴聲時,請盡快到走廊排隊,由班長帶隊,到操場參加開學典禮。

   When you hear the bell, please line up outside of the classroom as quickly as possible. The class leader will take the whole class to the playground to attend the opening ceremony.

Cool    Vocabulary :

    torn   tear的過去分詞,斯毀的,破損的   furniture 家具,桌椅   faulty 有缺陷的  switch 開關     ceremony 典禮,儀式